The Wedding Of

Stella & Samuel

17 . 12 . 2021

December 17th, 2021










Holy Matrimony

17:00 - 18:00
2021-12-17T17:00:00+07:00 2021-12-17T18:00:00+07:00 Samuel & Stella: Holy Matrimony The Premier Hall

Wedding Reception

18:30 - end
2021-12-17T18:30:00+07:00 2021-12-17T19:30:00+07:00 Samuel & Stella: Wedding Reception The Premier Hall
The Premier Hall
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Scbd, District 8, Treasury Tower Unit 7B-C, RT.5/RW.3, Senayan, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta City, Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
South Jakarta City

Live Streaming

COVID-19 may stop your attendance but not our connections. So please join us as we share our big day virtually on YouTube, kindly click this link

Live stream not found yet.

Wedding Gift

Your presence at our wedding makes it a special occasion. However, due to unfavorable circumstances, we would like to provide a more convenient and comfortable method to share your love and gifts to Samuel and Stella virtually through this platform, or directly to their personal BCA account 4281860016 of their name.

If you would still like to deliver other kinds of gifts, kindly Whatsapp Martin at +6285900429516

Love from us, to You and your Family.

Instant Payment

mandiri bca bri bni permata atmb prima alto gopay ovo shopeepay dana linkaja alfa

This payment uses a secure system.

Your wishes and prayers are very meaningful to us

  • Faye Abigail and Family
    Hi Mr. Samuel and Ms. Stella, I am very sorry to miss the wedding. By the way, congrats on your wedding. One more time I am very sorry. I hope you understand.
    - Faye Abigail Wijaya
    3 years ago

  • Mienny & Kevin
    Dear Sam and Stella,
    We're happy to be able to share your beautiful wedding day today. May God bless you both and give you many wonderful years together. Let Him be the glue that holds your marriage as one. Cheers to a long and lasting love!
    3 years ago

  • Mr. Rudi A. Hassim
    May God bless your marriage now and forever, and your days ahead be full of love and joy.
    Jesus bless you.
    With love,
    Rudi Agustian Hassim
    3 years ago

  • Michelle (your cousin)
    Happy wedding ce Stella
    Bahagia selalu ya ce
    3 years ago

  • Ivana Amin
    Dear Stella and Samuel,
    Wishing you both a very happy future together. Glad to call you both now as family!
    3 years ago

  • Sinta Fubiantoro
    Happy Wedding Stella and Sam ,God Bless , warm regards from Sinta Fubiantoro and fam
    3 years ago

  • Ignatius Anggoro
    Happy Wedding Sam and Stella. Enjoy your premiere trip to the fullness of life. Always trust in God in every situation of life. Warm regards from us from Singkawang
    3 years ago

  • Jennyfer Tanzil
    Happy wedding Sam & Stella! So happy for you both πŸ₯° bahagia selalu yaaa, big hug for you and Layla as well πŸ’›πŸ’›
    3 years ago

  • Hank
    I here to say congratulations seeing friends get married I don't think I'm good at something like this. However, I wish you a lot of happiness, brother. However, don't forget to come and talk to us in Discord see you brother.
    3 years ago

  • Discord gang
    (Lens)- Wish you have a great couples life!!!!
    (Mamoru)- Hope you have a great time in your weddings.
    (Sea)- When you have a child in the future, wish them glow up strong and become a great person in the future.
    (Sin)- And the last wish is from me, the first time when I talk to you I didn't know that we were going to become really good friend till today but after we played games together and also had talked so many things I feel really comfortable and I really feel so friendly with you like I had another brother, so my wish for you is, I wish you really have the best time in your life and I hope that you will go though those sadness as soon as possible, hope that one day we'll meet each other one day and then we will all go and have fun together, We all really love you so much Sam. (P.S. I told Hank already to go and wish you because he went to sleep already)
    3 years ago

  • Mrs. Angela Amalia and Family
    Congratulations on your wedding day. Very best wishes, love, joy and happiness to your wedding day and blessing towards your new chapter of your life.
    Ms. Angela and fam - International Music Society.
    3 years ago

  • Coach Amsal Ginting
    Keluarga besar NLP Praktis turut berbahagia, Selamat berbahagia untuk Stella dan Samuel. Smoga semua acara berjalan dengan lancar dan rumah tangga Stella
    dan Samuel harmonis selamanya dan sgera punya
    momongan. Amin πŸ™πŸ™
    3 years ago

  • Pak T.Elvensius/Dewi Marpaung
    Selamat untuk Ito Emma dan Abang Karman. Selamat untuk Stella dan Samuel, Kiranya Allah memberkati kalian di hari pernikahan yang kudus dan didalam mendayung bahtera rumah tangga bersama Tuhan Yesus. Amen
    3 years ago

  • Meily Tjung
    Congratulations Sam & Stella ❀️
    Wishing you happiness, love, and joy on your wedding day.

    With Love :
    Mei Ly Tjung
    Juniarto Salim
    3 years ago

  • Ammy Natashia
    aaaa, i cant wait to see you guys. bahagia terus stella and sam! love ❀️
    3 years ago

  • Evangelina Satyaningsih
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! Have fun on the big day and hope you will have a blessed years ahead as a new family ❀️
    3 years ago

  • Firman Lie GOING
    Gratz Sam & Stella. My very best wishes to you two on your wedding day, Sam & Stella. I hope not only for a great day but that your life to follow will also be filled with unending joy, happiness, and lots of love.
    3 years ago

  • Mrs. Olivia and Mr. Matthew Garrod
    Praying for an abundance of joy in your marriage and that you don’t stop being a best friend to each other. Don’t forget to take everything in, and have fun on your big day!
    3 years ago

  • Natasha Evelyne and Vincent GOING
    Congratulations Sam & Stella, wishing you an eventful journey filled with love, joy and blessing towards your new chapter of your life. Cheers from icen & nanat!!
    3 years ago

  • Mrs. Monalisa and Mr. Putra GOING
    Dear Sam and Stella, wish you a happy and loving marriage. Bigest hugs from me.
    3 years ago

  • Mrs. Lisa and Mr. Surya Hadiwinata
    Congratulations to both of you.. wishing you both happiness and joy in your new journey of life.. let love grows stronger and the heart grows fonder each day.. have a blessed wedding.. πŸ₯‚
    3 years ago

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